Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe - Oat Bread | Gluten Free Recipe Box (2024)

Posted on February 28, 2013November 14, 2017 by Gluten Free Recipes Admin

This is the second gluten free bread machine recipe that I have developed and recently published. This oat bread is my all-time favorite, though I need to experiment with substituting the tapioca flour/starch for cornstarch, due to allergies. I’ve created a specific category for theseGluten Free Bread Machine Recipes. So, you may check it now and again to see what’s new(see link above).

Yesterday I tried making my Gluten Free Oat Bread Recipein my Breadman machine (one without the gluten free setting). It turned out great! In making the gluten free oat bread recipe in the oven, I usually make a huge batch, 4 – 5 times the flour, starch, and gum, and storing it in a large covered container. Then instead of using the 3 cups of dry ingredients called for, I use 3 1/3. It’s almost the right amount, but 3 1/2 cups would probably be best for my bread machine, as it was a little shy of the correct height to create square slices. However, I only baked my bread yesterday for 50 minutes, which wasn’t quite long enough, as it was too airy, and shrunk a tad. I need to adjust the rising times (which I’ll update soon). I’m making another one today and will adjust the bake time in the recipe below, but for now, I believe 1 hour should be sufficient. Yesterday I knew it was too airy, but figured it would do for sandwiches anyway. I was too busy working on a gluten free oreo cookie recipe. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this recipe. For those who do not have a bread machine, you’re welcome to visit the link above for my oven baked version.


Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe – Oat Bread


Yield: Makes 13 slices, including ends.

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe - Oat Bread | Gluten Free Recipe Box (1)

A great tasting gluten free bread machine recipe made with oat flour, perfect for sandwiches!


  • 1 1/8 cup water
  • 1/4 cup light extra virgin olive oil (or oil of choice)
  • 1 teaspoon gluten-free apple cider vinegar (I used Heinz)
  • 4 extra-large egg whites, at room temperature
  • 2 Tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1 1/4 cups + 3 1/2 Tablespoons gluten-free oat flour (4 oz.)
  • 1 cup + 1 1/2 Tablespoon potato starch (5.2 oz.)
  • 1/2 cup + 1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon tapioca flour/starch (3.0 oz.)
  • 1/4 cup + 2 teaspoons flax seed meal (0.8 oz.)
  • 1 Tablespoon + 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum (use corn-free brand or guar gum, if needed)
  • 1/4 cup non-fat instant dry milk (or use non-fat milk instead of water or water for dairy-free)
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons instant dry yeast
  • 2 teaspoons gluten-free oats for top (optional)


  1. Add the ingredients above in the order listed to the bowl of your bread machine (while removed from the machine).
  2. For programmable bread machines without a gluten free setting, set the machine to the following settings: Crust: Medium; Keep Warm: 0; 1st Knead: 5; 2nd Knead: 10; 1st Rise: 40; Punch: 10; 2nd Rise: 10; Shape: 5; 3rd Rise: 40 (35 is what I'll try next); Bake: 65 minutes (or longer).
  3. After about 1 minute mid the first kneading, help remove the flour from the sides of the machine by scraping them with a rubber spatula. This take about 15 seconds. Let the machine do the rest. Total time: 2 hours, 50 minutes.
  4. Photo of Mid Second Knead:
  5. Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe - Oat Bread | Gluten Free Recipe Box (2)Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe - Oat Bread | Gluten Free Recipe Box (3)
  6. If desired, add oatmeal to the top of the bread; with wet fingers, pat the oatmeal into the dough, and allow to complete the rising.
  7. Once baked, remove the kneading peddle, if still in bottom of bread, transfer to cooling rack to cool completely, about 2 hours.
  8. Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe - Oat Bread | Gluten Free Recipe Box (4)


Mixing the dry ingredients together first is most successful. This includes the flour, starches, flax seed meal, gum

Rice milk may due fine as a milk substitute, but I haven't tried it yet myself. I will soon, and update the recipe above if it works well.

When adding oil, add it to the spindle/kneader peddle to prevent sticking.

If upon cooling, the bread's sides and/or bottom begins to concave, add it back to the bread bowl and bake longer. This is an indication of too much liquid or not baked long enough.

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  1. I followed the directions. Did not work for me. Smelt good though.

    1. Sorry to hear that. I have tons of positive feedback on this recipe. Did you use a bread machine with a gluten-free setting? If so, which brand and model? How did you bake it in the oven? If you bake it in the oven, did you use a traditional loaf pan or did you use something super heavy?

  2. Hi there, I can’t have flax seeds…should I just leave them out or will it affect the integrity of the recipe. Should I substitute something else instead? Thanks, Ashley

    1. Ashley,

      You can either substitute the flax seed meal with chia seeds or omit them altogether. The bread turns out a little softer/less structured, but some people like it that way. However, you lose a lot of the flavor when you omit them.


  3. Have a question. I cannot have potato or xanthum gum can they be left out? Also not keen on flax seed.

  4. I used 3 whole eggs, substituted xanthan gum 1:1 with additional flax, substituted potato starch 1:1 with additional tapioca starch. and used liquid milk in place of water/dry milk. my bread machine does not have a gluten setting. I did stir down the flour off the sides about 5 minutes into the beginning of the cycle. When the bread machine cycle was finished, the sides cooked up nicely but the middle had fallen and was still kind of doughy. Any of my substitutions to blame? Thanks!

    1. Jennifer,

      You whole egg substitution is definitely part to blame. It adds additional fat. Moisture and finer, drier crumb is the only reason to add yolk to bread. Using flax instead of gum usually makes the stirring more difficult and removes the chewy texture. However, additional tapioca add some of that chewiness back, it is can cause a chewy/doughy texture in some recipes. Tapioca flour/starch also rises higher and creates a lighter loaf. If you used whole milk, it will create a doughy bread. Non-fat is preferred for bread. This recipe was made for a bread machine with a gluten setting, specifically the model listed. For a machine without a gluten setting, see my other gluten free oat bread recipe:

      The falling is caused by not baking it long enough, adding too much leavener (yeast, baking powder, baking soda), or allowing it over rise.

      I hope this helps.


  5. Hi there
    Just wanted to say what a great recipe. I made this bread substituting the oat flour with barley flour (simply because I couldn’t get oat flour here in Melbourne, Australia for some reason).
    I don’t think this makes it strictly gluten free but low gluten certainly. I also didn’t have any apple cider vinegar so just used white vinegar and added a tiny bit more honey.
    It doesn’t have the tastelessness of the usual gluten free bread and the consistency was very bread like not like cake or cardboard.
    Worth giving a go if you can get the oat flour!
    Thanks heaps.

    1. Danielle,

      I am so glad to hear you enjoyed this recipe; however, barley contains plenty of gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye, and any oats that are not labeled gluten free. You may confusing barley with spelt. Spelt contains less gluten than the other similar grains, though it is not gluten-free, either.


  6. Hi Carla,
    I just wanted to say thank you so much for your recipe. This was my very first time making gluten free bread in a machine and I am sooo happy it turned out so good, tasty and nothing at all like gluten free bread. It was spongy, soft, and so delicious!
    I used a Hamilton Beach bread machine and set it on Gluten free, dark crust, 1.5 lb loaf.

  7. Hi Carla,
    I made this last night, substituting 1 1/8 c rice milk for the water. I used all arrowroot instead of tapioca/potato starch. Tasted great, just came out too moist with holes throughout. I used the white bread setting on a sunbeam. I think it needed to cook longer – maybe the French bread setting. Also, since you are missing the extra “bulk” of the dry milk, should I cut back liquid or add something dry? Also, I missed all wet ingredients first, then all dry, then sprinkled the yeast on top – is that correct?

    1. Hi Casey,

      Rice milk creates a higher rise which may account for all of the holes.

      Arrowroot creates moisture bread and takes longer to bake.

      I am not sure what you mean by “Also, I MISSED all wet ingredients first, then all dry, then sprinkled the yeast on top” Do you mean that you placed all the wet ingredients in first and then the dry? If so, the answer is yes, but you need to make sure you place them in the order listed.

      In addition, because you are using arrowroot powder, you may need to experiment at which point you should add it, as some ingredients perform better when touching the wet ingredients and others do not. Potato flour (not potato starch) is an example of an ingredient you would want to add in last or mix together with all dry ingredients before adding to it your bread machine.

      As far as replacing the dry milk with additional dry ingredients, you will not need to replace equal amounts of dry milk with dry ingredients. When you add 1/4 cup non-fat dry milk to 1 1/8 cups of water it only adds about 3 tablespoon more milk, not 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons). However, when you use dairy-free milk, you are missing the protein from cow’s milk. Try substituting the dry milk with 3 tablespoons of oat flour as it is very high in protein. It will also help absorb some of that additional liquid needed when using arrowroot.

      You really will be developing an entirely new recipe. Good luck!


  8. Hi there! I have a couple questions with this recipe. I am new to gluten free baking and I also cannot have dairy. I wanted to use rice milk instead of the dry milk powder but I was unsure if you could substitute the dry for wet. I made it the way it says and it turned out great but I would love to make it dairy free. Also it had a really strong yeast flavor, is there anything I can do to avoid that? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Kenzie,

      You can definitely try using rice milk instead of water and dry non-fat milk. The protein in the cow’s milk enhances the dough, but it should turn out somewhat similar.

      A strong yeast flavor is usually due to over-rising.

      I hope this helps.


  9. The next time you do this, I was wondering if you would mind weighing your egg whites? We buy large eggs, but always have frozen egg whites on hand so I could use that instead of XL egg whites.

    1. I did a little searching online and am calculating it to be about 65 oz….

  10. I’m newly gluten free and to using a bread machine so I need some advice. The first time I made this bread I used the cup measurements and although the bread was delicious it didn’t rise and was really moist and dense. I tried it again using the ounce measurements and again the bread didn’t rise much but it was a little less dense but still quite moist, I really love the taste of the bread and would like to try it again, do you have any suggestions to help me?

    1. Hi Joy,

      I’m sorry to hear you are having problems with this recipe.

      There could be a number of factors, but the first one I suspect is that your bread machine is different than mine. Do you have a programmable bread machine? If not, from what I have read on other gluten free bread machine recipes is that they use the “White Bread” setting. However, a follower on Facebook stated that she baked her’s on an old 1978 bread machine on the “French Bread” setting.

      Another factor can be affecting your bread is your mixer. I use a KitchenAid 325 watt mixer. It beats air into the dough which is extremely helpful. If you have a low-powdered mixer, I suggest beating it longer.

      The third factor is how you measure your ingredients. Never scoop the flour, but use a spoon to lift the flour into the measuring cup. In addition, use dry measuring cups (individually sized), not liquid measuring cups.

      I hope this helps.


      1. I’m a little confused, you said you use a kitchen aid mixer, when would you use a mixer if you’re making bread in a bread machine? Do you use the dry measuring cups for the liquids as well?

        1. Sorry about that Joy! I mixed up my reply with my usual troubleshooting tips on GF bread baking. I do have a Gluten Free Oat (or Sorghum) Bread Recipe, as well. You’re right. No mixer used here; though using one and baking the bread in the machine may help as well. Though why bother making it in a bread machine then, right? – unless it’s summertime and you wish avoid the oven heat. If interested in a better oven-baked recipe, see this one:

          Meanwhile, when measuring gluten or gluten free ingredients, use dry measuring cups for dry ingredients and liquid ones for liquids. For dry ingredients level off the top with handle of the spoon you used to scoop it into the cup.

          Also, see another gluten-free bread recipe here:

          Good luck!


  11. This turned out great with my moms old 1978 bread maker. Its called the Auto Baker By DAK Industries. At first I was terrified when I read about what to do if your machine does not have a gluten free setting. Mine has almost no settings; white, French,, or sweet bread settings, thats it. I held my breath and chose french bread. Now I’m here enjoying a nice warm moist piece of home made gluten free bread and loving it. Thanks for sharing this recipe, my pocketbook will love the savings too!

  12. I can’t have corn or potato, any suggestions on substituting the potato starch? perhaps using tapioca for the potato and switching the tapioca already in the recipe to sweet rice flour?

    1. Tina,

      Sweet rice flour contains too much starch. I would use arrowroot powder/flour instead. You may need to bake it longer, though. Here’s a recipe that is corn-free and potato-free baked in an oven:


  13. Is it possible to substitute something else for the flax seed meal? Maybe chia seed meal? I have everything but flax, we tend not to eat it.

    1. I haven’t tried chia seeds, but I suggest grinding them if you do. Flaxseeds contain the same element that aloe vera contains, therefore, it will probably turn out with a bit of a crumby texture. You may wish to consider using half tapioca flour and half ground chia seeds. Good luck!


  14. Just finished enjoying warm slice of this recipe and it is absolutely delicious and turned out perfect!
    I used regular Regal Bread Machine on Basic setting. I used low fat milk instead of dry milk…about 1/2 c with water measurement. Whisked all dry ingredients in bowl before adding to liquid ingredients in bread maker and also kept one yolk with four egg whites which I whisked in liquid measuring cup before adding to liquid ingredients in order given in recipe. Loved the way bread turned out for first time making gluten free bread! I also want to try rice milk next time. My naturopathic Dr. has recommended I eliminate wheat to help with inflammation and we also have family member with celiac disease so I am so glad to find your website and plan to try your recipes since this bread turned out so gooooood!

    1. Rhonda,

      Welcome to the gluten free community! You’ll find that other gluten free dieters willing to help you, as well. We’re a tight-knit community, but growing by leaps and bounds!

      I’m so glad you enjoyed this gluten free bread recipe. You’ll find that gluten free breads baked in the oven are even better! You can find more recipes at . I hope you find others you enjoy.

      Rice milk should work out well, too, as it lightens up gluten free baked goods, where cow’s milk assists in a similar fashion by providing protein.



  15. I have made this bread 3 times and every time the middle falls badly. Do you have any suggestions?

    1. Janice,

      Sorry to hear that you experienced so much difficulty with this recipe. I made it specifically for the bread machines that are programmable. Is yours programmable? If it’s falling, you, are most likely not baking it long enough, or you need to cut back the liquid. Other reasons include over-rising and too much yeast, but in this case, the yeast is not the reason. What type of bread machine do you have? In addition, do you the temperature it bakes at, and for how long? Also, how long is it rising for?


      1. Hi Carla, My machine is a Westbend and I use the basic method which is a total time of 3 hours and 40 minutes. It goes through the whole cycle of kneading and rising and rises fine through that whole thing it is just when it bakes that it falls.

        1. Janice,

          I suggest cutting the water back by 2 tablespoons to start, and baking longer. Hopefully you’re machine has a bake only cycle where you can add baking time. If would bake it at 375 degrees towards the end.

  16. I have an Oster bread machine and all I do is select a setting then hit start. Do you know if this recipe will work or not with this type of machine? I just started eating gluten free and have tried 4 different recipes( not from your site ) that didn’t turn out. Sunday I tried your oven version and it was good. I think I should have left it in the oven longer because it caved in once it cooled but other than that it was delicious.

    1. Darlene,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the Oven version. it is my fave. All bread machines vary. I created this one in my Breadman without a gluten free setting, therefore I do not know how it will turn out in any other machine. I suggest baking it on the white bread setting, if your machine has one and baking it longer.


  17. Shouldn’t there be yeast in the recipe? If so, is one packet enough?

    1. Oh my , Cyndee! Thanks so much for catching this! Recipe now updated.


      1. Thanks Carla. I tried this recipe today using the GF setting on my Breadman machine. It came out with a large knob on the top and I had to add 35 minutes to the baking time. Any ideas what I did wrong?

        1. Cyndee,

          All bread machines are different. And if you don’t smooth out the top with water and a spatula during the last rise, it will present a knob on top from the stirring stages. All bread machines are different. My machine does not have a gluten free setting. You’ll have to adjust the recipe to fit your machine. If you had to bake it that much longer, try reducing the water by 1/8 cup each time until it works well for you. Less water prevents knobs, too. How long does your rise for, and how many times? How long does it knead, etc.?

          Meanwhile, how did it taste?


  18. Hi,
    how different would it be if I made it without bread machine?
    do I have to change much? does the mixture have to be put into rest?

    1. Hi Anita,

      See the link in second paragraph to the oven baked recipe.



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Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe - Oat Bread | Gluten Free Recipe Box (2024)


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