How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (2024)

Learn how to make butter with atraditional butter churn, electric beater or just a simple jar. Followour buttermaking instructions for your own homemade butter making includingrecipes.

As longas your creamhas a high fat content, and is 2-3 days old, you should have no problemat all making delicious butter without any additives or preservatives.We also tell you how to make clarified butter.

In days gone by, butter making was donein every household, as well as cheesemaking. However, people tend to be too busy withfamilies and careers these days, and the art is not widely practiced.However, I like homemade butter because at least I know what went intoit.

I can also use the buttermilk for making cheese, feeding my chickens,or adding to mybread dough and muffin mixture as it make them that much lighter!

Tips on How to Make Butter

To be successful withmakingbutter you need to make sure that:

  • Your cream has a high fat content.Cream from Jersey cows, therefore, ensures success as the cream thatthey produce has just what you are looking for in fat content.
  • Your cream isn't too fresh. It needs to be acouple of days old so that it has ripened sufficiently to turn intodelicious homemade butter.
  • The cream needs to be ripened at the right temperatureotherwise your butter can be bitter.
  • The cream should not be too thick.
  • The milk should come from grass-fed cows. Those fed on haywill not give you a good tasting butter.

How to Make Butter by Separating the Cream from the Milk

There are 3 ways of separating the cream from the milk:

1) Shallow pan method
2) Deep setting method
3) Separator machine

1)The shallow pan method makes good butter if you don't have a separatormachine. While the milk is still warm from the cow place themilkinto shallow pans 6-8 inches deep. Leave to stand for 12 - 24 hours andthen skim off the cream with a perforated skimmer spoon.

Creamproduced like this is usually very good. It will be thick and sweet andunder favorable conditions will make excellent butter. However, if youare doing this in a warm climate then your cream will probably spoilbefore you get the chance of making your butter.

2) The deepsetting method is allowing the milk to sit in milk cans at a depth ofabout 15 inches, with or without the lids on. They are then immersed incold, running water.

Cream produced like this will give youquite a large quantity, however it will be thin with a poor percentageof fat, resulting in not the best of butters.

3) Using a milkseparator will separate your cream from the milk in minutes. You willhave the most success by making butter from cream separated like this.

Creamproduced like this will yield more cream than the other 2 methods.There will be no more than 1% fat left behind. This means more cream,which means more butter.

How to MakeButter by Ripening the Cream

How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (1)As already mentionedyour cream has to be well ripened in order to make good butter. Howmany days this will take will depend on the weather.

During the summeryou can pour the cream out into a deep pan during the early evening andmake your butter the following morning.

However, during the winter, you will have to ripen your cream near onopen fire, turning the pan occasionally to make sure that heat reachesthe cream evenly, and this is done over 2 -3 days.

Donot cover the cream. You need to expose it to the air, as the air willproduce the lactic acid bacteria for the ripening that you are after.Even stirring it from time to time will help in letting the air intothe cream.

What you are wanting at that end of this is for the cream to clabber.This means that when you tilt the pan the whole lot leaves the sidescleanly and the liquid holds together and moves as one mass. This showsyou that the cream has clabbered. It will also have started to sour.

Cream, when ready for churning, has a smooth, velvety appearance and apleasant acid flavour.

However, you don't want it to go rotten. This is when the ripeningprocess in your butter making has gone on for too long and has spoiled.You will know when this has happened because the cream will curdle andseparate. If you make butter from curdled milk it will not make goodbutter.

So, now, at this point, perhaps you want to get a little morescientific about your homemade butter.

Thebest results in cream ripening are obtained at a temperature of from 58to 68 Fahrenheit, although the lactic acid bacteria increase inactivity up to a temperature of 100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. If thecream is ripened at a temperature higher than 75 degrees Fahrenheit youwill not end up with good butter. Your butter will end up being toosoft.

It is not safe to ripen creambelow60 F. Cream quickly ripenedand then held at a temperature of 45 F. for 24hours will clabber correctly, won't rot or make your butter bitter.However, if you hold the cream at say, 45 F. for 24 hoursand then ripen your cream the butter will develop a bitter flavor.

How to MakeButter the Traditional Way with a Churn and Dasher

Traditionally butter was made using a butter churn and a dasher. It waseither a wooden butter burn that stood upright,or a stonepottery cylindrical vessel that narrowed at the topthat was big enough to place the dasher into. Later on there werebutter churns that were barrel shaped and came with a handle, glassbutter churns fitter with an egg-beater like contraption, and laterelectic-driven butter churns. I prefer a stone pottery butter churn asthey are easier to keep clean and free of bacteria.

A dasher is a wooden butter churning tool that could be made in twoways. It was a long-handled pole with 2 slats attached to the base ofthe pole each placed in the opposite direction to the other so that youend up with a cross. Each wooden slat was about 4 inches long, 2 incheswide and 1/2 inch thick.

Another way of making a dasher was to make a circular base, 4inches in diameter and 1 inch thick. Drilled out of this circular basewere 4 holes, 1inch in diameter, and equidistant from each other.

Make sure your churn and dasher is abolutely clean before youstart making your homemade butter. This is very important as your creamwill be full of bacteria which will spoil your butter. Scald the butterchurn with boiling water, and follow with a thorough rinsing of coldwater.

Creamshould be cooled down to the churning temperature for several hoursbefore churning, as this gives a much firmer butter than if it ismerely cooled down just before churning.

Generally speaking, the normal churning temperatureis 55 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit, but the temperature may vary from 50 to62 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you churn when the cream is too high a temperatureit will produce butter in a very short time, but with a loss of fat inthe buttermilk.

If you churn when the cream istoo low a temperature
you will be churning for a very long time and the butter produced willbe hard and difficult to work with.

In summer a churning temperature of from54 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit is wanted and in winterfrom 58 to 62 degreesFahrenheit will give good results undernormal conditions.

Largequantities of cream require a lower churning temperature, from 48degrees Fahrenheit in summer and up to 56 degrees Fahrenheit in winter.

CountryfarmLifestyles Tip for How to Make Butter: Regulate thetemperature of the cream by either putting the cream into a bowl thathas been placed on top of another bowl packed with crushed ice blocksor hot water. Stir until the correct temperature has been reached.

Boththe temperature and thickness may be regulated at the same time byadding the water warm, or cold, as required. Under no circ*mstances putice or hot water directly into the cream.

Place the dasher into the churn andpour in the clabbered cream through a strainer to remove any grass etc.that may be in your cream.

Fill the churn until it is 1/3rd full. Never more. At this stage youcould add annatta to color your butter, but I never bother. If yourcows are grass fed, your butter will have some color to it anyway, butif they are hay-fed the butter will be more white in color. The colorshouldn't worry you, as having no additional color does not affect thetaste at all.

Close up the churn with the tight fittingwooden lid that has a hole for the dasher but will prevent the creamfrom splashing everywhere.

For the next 30-40 minutes agitate the cream by moving the dasher upand down continually until your cream starts turning to butter.You don't want to churn too quickly as this will make thecreamhang around the churn and not gather into the fat globules you need.Too slowly, and you have issues again.

Themore quickly you churn your cream, the paler, and softer your butterwill be and less rich than if you churn more slowly. When it is summeryou will need to churn slower so that you don't end up with soft, whitebutter. In the winter you need to churn more quickly to keep thetemperature up.

Don't over-churn yourbutter. If you do, you will end up losing that lovelyyellow color and again your butter will be pale.

CountryfarmLifestyles Tip for How to Make Butter:For the first 5 minutes of churning,open up the vent from time to time. There will be somegas build-up in your churn, and by allowing theses gasses to escape. Ifyou don't your cream becomes frothy and then difficult to churn.

Temperature will have a lot to do with how your butter will turn out.If the temperature is too hot your butter will be quite white andfluffy looking. You can add a small amount of cold water at this stageto see if you can improve the texture.

If the temperature is too cold your butter will find that your butterhas not really gathered together properly with a lot of smallerglobules of fat that has separated out. You can add a small amount ofhot water will help draw the globules together.

Once the butter fat globules have all clumped together in small,pea-size pieces stop churning and remove it from thechurn. If you carry on churning it makes it more difficult to separatethe buttermilk and to distribute the salt evenly. You can place coldwater into the churn to float the butter pieces and remove with astrainer.

Thiswater is from 3 to 10 degrees lower than the churning temperature. Forexample, insummer, say 42 to 45 degrees F., or as cold aspossible, and in winter 3 to 4 degrees below the temperature at whichchurning has been done.

The reason for adding water at thisstage is to reduce the temperature, which rises during churning, and toharden the grains of butter so that their size may be increased withoutthe risk of churning the butter into lumps. The addition of the wateralso assists in getting rid of any caseous matter.

It isdifficult to say just how much water you will need to add at this stagebecause it depends on how much cream is in the churn, what thetemperature is etc. However, I suggest you put in just small amounts ofwater rather than the full amount so that you can judge the conditionsaccordingly.

Howmuch Butter will I get from 1 Gallon of Cream? About 3pounds.

At this stage there are 2 thoughts on what to do next.

How to Make Butter - Washing the Butter

Some people will place the butter straight into the fridge for a day torest without rinsing it, and before salting it and working it. Otherswill rinse the butter in cold water and then salt and work it straightaway.

It really is up to you, and personal taste. What is not up fordispute, is that the liquid left behind is homemadebuttermilk which can be poured and stored in your fridge fordrinking and for baking. Your pigs and chickens will also love your forit!

When salting the butter use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon for each pint ofbutter.

If you are not going to place your homemade butter in the fridge firstthen you can rinse your butter using iced water. Place a handful of icecubes in a bowl that now holds the warm butter. Stir the ice cubesthrough the butter until it melts.
How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (2)Now taking your clean hands, and start workingthe butter, You need to squeezethe water through the butter several times.

The coldness of the iceallows for the butter to handle better and is easier if you are goingto place it in molds. You can also wash it several times, ifyou like. However, never wash the butter as shown in thepicture left.

You should only add as much water to the butter as the amount of creamadded at the beginning. Too much washing will result in washing awaythe delicate flavor of the butter.

CountryfarmLifestyles Tip for How to Make Butter: The type ofwater you use for washingisimportant. Any water that is not pure will result in imparting thattaste of that water to the butter. Use pure spring water only.

Usually, one washing is more than enough.

Squeeze out the excess water and place in your molds. Traditionally,wooden butter molds were used that had lovely patterns carved into thewood.

CountryfarmLifestyles Tip for How to Make Butter: Leave the butterfor 4-6 hours. If there are streaks inthe butter the salt has not been worked in evenly. Rework again.

How to Make Butter in a Jar

Ifyou don't have a churn and you want to make butter in a hurry, andin just a small amount, take a glass jar with a screw on lid. Place theclabbered cream into jar no more than halfway up the jar. Replace thelid and shake vigorously for about 20 minutes or until your creamstarts coming together.

How to MakeButter using an Electric Beater and Store-bought Cream

How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (3)

Take 500 ml double pouring Jersey creamthat hasbeen allowed to clabber at room temperature. Pour into a bowl, andusing a hand-heldegg beater, start beating the cream. If you have the right conditionswithin 20 minutes or so, the cream will start to solidify and buttermilkwill be the by-product. You can also use a stick blender.

Once the fat solidifies and you havebuttermilk, drain off the liquid and reserve for your baking or cheesemaking. Now you need to wash the butter, squeezing out any extrabuttermilk.

To do this, add a cupful of iced waterto the butterfat and beat the contents briefly. Pour off the milkywater and repeat the process until the water remains clear afterbeating. Pour off the last of the water and then mash the butterfatwith a fork getting any water out that may have been left behind. Drainthis off too, and when you are happy with the butter, add salt to tasteas this will prevent the butter from souring.

Finally, take the butter, smooth itinto a container, cover and place in the fridge. It will be ready touse within a couple of hours. The butter will keep for a week or two.This recipe will make 300g of butter.

How to MakeButter - Herb Butter Recipes

Once you have learned tomake butterwith our basic homemade butter recipe, you can experiment with herbs:

  • Cut up chives, and add them at the end.
  • A classic herb butteris adding small quantities of fresh tarragon, parsley and thyme with adash of black pepper.
  • For a slightly differentflavor, and if your cream is too fresh, youcan add 2 tablespoons of either crême fraiche, yogurt,or sour cream to your cream before you start to beat.

For best results leave thecream at roomtemperature for about 24 hours at 24°C, lower the temperature to 15°Cby placing it in a double bowl with crushed ice in between each bowl,and then beat to make butter.

Homemade DevonshireCream Recipe

Warmmilk straight from the cow is strained into shallow pans 6 to 8 in.deep and allowed to stand undisturbed for 12 or 24 hours, the length oftime
varying with the time of year. (If the weather is too hot you will notbe able to do this.)

Thepans are now removed to a stove and the milk heated very gradually to atemperature of 170 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit. This should be done veryslowly, or the proper flavour is not obtained. 20 to 30 minutes istheminimum time which should be taken.

The pans are thenremoved to the dairy and allowed to cool, and in summer they are oftenplaced in cold water. The cream is skimmed off after about 12 hours,using a perforated skimmer. Clotted cream may be churned, but in thiscase the scald is not so high, 170 Fahrenheit being the maximum.

Theold-fashioned method of churning clotted cream was to place it in a tuband stir or beat with the hand till butter is produced. Butter madefrom clotted cream requires thorough washing to remove the butter-milkor the keeping properties will be poor.

How to Make Butter Troubleshooting: I can't get my Cream toTurn to Butter

You will probably find if your cream doesn't turn to butter that youhave problems with the following:

  • The cream is too thin
  • The temperature of your cream is too low
  • The cream has a high viscosity
  • The churn is too full
  • Your speed of agitating the cream in the churn is eithertoo high or too low
  • There is colostrum in the milk
  • The cream is abnormally rich

How to Make Butter Troubleshooting: My Butter went Rancid

  • The milk was dirty
  • The churn wasn't cleaned properly
  • The cream was over-ripened
  • Not enough buttermilk was removed
  • The water was not pure

A Video on Making Butter

How to Make Butter with Kits

If you are serious aboutmaking homemade butter, these days you can buy butter kits that haseverything you need for making your own butter. There are anumber of suppliers on the Internet.

How to Make Butter Books, Churns and Butter Kits

Finally, if you are looking for more information on how to make butter,orwanting to buy some butter making equipment, we offer you these fromour valued partners

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Better Buttermilk Instructions than the Buttermilk PageHow to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (4)How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (5)How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (6)How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (7)How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (8)
The page, How to Make Buttermilk, was such a letdown! It draws us in, describing how much better churned buttermilk is than cultured buttermilk, and then …

keeping the color and flavor in butter makingNot rated yet
I had issues with the water when making butter. I notice that the much of the flavor and some of the color(beautiful yellow) goes away when I use cold …

Goat's Milk ButterNot rated yet
You spoke of using a high fat content milk to make butter.Can you use goat's milk to make butter? Nubian goat's milk has a high fat content.…

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How to Make Butter by Churn, Beater or Jar with Recipes (2024)


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